8/19/06 Scaredy Cat Recon Ride

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8/19/06 Scaredy Cat Recon Ride

Postby Tawmass » Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:45 am

On Friday 8/18/06, Danno, Jimbo and I met Gary Anderson and Dale Johnson at Neal Park in Lyons, OR. We stayed up late, told funny stories then hit the hay. Saturday morning we all complained about our sleeping pads, had breakfast and went exploring.

Gary and Dale were laying out course for their Cascade 150 Ride and Dan, Jim and I were working on Dan's Scaredy Cat Ride. Man, was it hot out. :pale: Dusty too! We snaked around the mountains and saw some really great scenery and found super routes. We also stopped for lunch along the river somewhere and that helped with the temps.

And what was up with all the silly yard sales everywhere? I swear we saw 20 - 30 yard sales as we tripped around Mill City, Lyons, etc. I think all the locals have garage sales, sell their stuff to others with garage sales, and all the same items basically get cycled through. 8)

It was hazy, due to the fire over in Sisters, OR, but about halfway through the day, we came around a corner and saw where the fire must've flared up, plus a huge thunder cloud in the midst of the smoke - awesome.

Did I say it was hot? :pale:

We got back to camp and Jimbo and I packed up and headed home, while Danno, Gary and Dale went up for dinner at Coach's place. I'm sure they had an awesome time and I still have yet to see his place. Very cool I hear.

CLICK HERE to see all the pix I took.
To see a couple videos I took, click below:
Video #1 of Danno getting stuck and calling me names. :lol:
Video #2 of Danno busting his arss and Jimbo threading the needle with three dabs. :D

You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.

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